Instead of starting the year with a movie review (because I have yet to see one in 2009), I will start this blog off with a look at the Golden Globe Awards.
Let us start with a look at the red carpet.
- Miley Cyrus gets caught doing the 'strapless dress tug' that is oh so common at all award shows. Her speaking voice really irritates me, and I am not sure she is the classiest girl.
- America Ferrera is chatting away and I thought I liked her dress until I saw the ugly mess that the bottom part is.
- Amanda Seyfried (Mamma Mia!...the ! is part of the title, I don't love the movie that much) is great. Pretty, and obviously nervous. Too bad they made her talk about Meryl Streep.
- Blake Lively (LOVE) with her dad. Her dress looks a little small, me thinks. Also...her real life dad looks awefully similar to her Sisterhood dad. I bet it is him. *checks sources* I am right. Her real dad is also her movie dad.
- There is much talk of Heath Ledger.
- Drew Barrymore looks kind of odd...or maybe strange is the right word. I like her dress though.
- Jeremy Piven appears to still be alive despite the mercury poisoning...I am sure Entourage fans are pleased.
- Will Arnet. I miss Arrested Development.
- Kate and Leo!!! I am very excited to see Revolutionary Road. They say they wish to see each other win. Aww, they are cute.
- I am going to go out on a rather short limb and say black and grey/silver are this year's colours. J. Lo., in her gaudy backless gold, missed the memo.
- Nancy O'Dell just dropped the boat when she insisted Sting was nominated when he is only presenting. Way to keep on top of all things entertainment.
- Pierce Brosnan was just asked if singing in Mamma Mia! was difficutl and replied it was easy. I am guessing he never actually watched his singing performance. Pierce + singing = Bad.
Now that actual awards begin.
-J. Lo. in the previously mentioned dress announces the first award.
Best Supporting Actress in a Motion Picture goes to Kate Winslet (The Reader). She looks very pretty this evening...even though she is extremely flustered at the moment.
- Sting looks kind should I put this? Let go. He is telling us
Bruce Springsteen (The Wrestler) won for Best Original Song-Motion Picture. During the nominee shots Miley Cyrus stuck her tongue out at the camera. She is SO NOT CLASSY enough to be at the GG Awards.
- This year's second generation performer helping hand out awards is Rumor Willis (Demi and Bruce's daughter).
Tom Wilkinson (John Adams) for Supporting Actor in a Series, Mini Series, or TV Movie.
Laura Dern (Recount) for Supporting Actress in a Series, Mini Series, or TV Movie. She was sitting far back but really booted it up to the front, much appreciated Laura Dern.
- Don Cheadle has no hair. He is also introducing the clip for Burn After Reading. Love that movie.
Anna Paquin (who I hardly recognized b/c she is a little older and much more blonde) wins
Actress in TV Series-Drama (
True Blood, a show I've barely heard of and never seen).
- Confessions of a Shopaholic commercial was just on. Very exciting. I recommend that you read the books by Sophie Kinsella and then go watch the movie when it comes out.
Best Animated Feature Film is Wall-E.
Sally Hawkins wins for Best Actress in a Motion Picture-Musical or Comedy for Happy-Go-Lucky. I've never heard of her or this movie...and the voice has nothing to say about her as she walks up. I care not to google her at the moment.
- All of the actors tend to say the GG Awards are their favourite b/c there is food and wine and they are short. The problem with this is people sit at their tables and talk and make noise and don't seem to be able to quiet themselves quickly when onair. Also, the camera pans the crowd and people are often not looking photogenic or they are furiously texting someone. Then again...maybe that isn't a problem.
- Jake Gyllenhaal introduces the clip for The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and I will tell you your not so interesting-interesting fact of the day: the girl who played the young Daisy (Blanchett) in Benjamin Button also played the daughter of Pitt and Blanchett's characters in the movie Babel.
Best Mini Series or TV Movie goes to John Adams.
- Demi Moore tells her daughter not to hunch and then announces the winner for
Best Supporting Actor in a Motion Picture. Director Chris Nolan accepts
Heath Ledger's (The Dark Knight) award in front of a standing audience. As well as a few words, they play a clip from the movie.
Best Foreign Language Film goes to
Waltz with Bashir (Israel).
Best Actress in a Mini Series or TV Movie goes to
Laura Linney for John Adams.
Screenplay Motion Picture winner is
Somon Beaufoy for Slumdog Millionaire.
- Amy Poehler (who is apparently getting her own show) and Patrick Dempsey announce that
Alec Baldwin (30 Rock) wins for
Best Actor in TV Series-Comedy or Musical. During my efforts to find out about Amy Poehler's show I found out that they are making a second Hoodwinked movie. This pleases me.
Paul Giamatti (John Adams) wins
Best Actor in a Mini Series or Made for TV Movie.
Best TV Series-Musical or Comedy winner is
30 Rock. Tracey Morgan is accepting the award b/c apparently he had a deal with Tina Fey that if Obama won then Tracey would be the new spokesperson for the show.
- Another little not all that interesting-interesting point that I've recently heard is that Mamma Mia! has passed Titanic as the highest grossing movie in the UK. I was suprrised too, but I guess they really like ABBA.
Best Original Score-Motion Picture winner is
A. R. Rahman (Slumdog Millionaire).
Best Actress in a TV Series, Musical, or Comedy goes to
Tina Fey for 30 Rock. Hehe, Tina tells us that she is a huge fan of the Hollywood Foreign Press and that she had all of their action figures when she was growing up. She then addresses some people on the internet who do not like telling them ot suck it. I love Tina.
- Martin Scorsese presents Steven Spielberg with the Cecil B. DeMille Award for outstanding contribution to the entertainment field. They play a montage of basically all awesome films. Spielberg talks about being inspired to make his first movie and about the importance of being a mentor.
Winner of Director-Motion Picture is
Danny Boyle (Slumdog Millionaire).
Best Actor in Motion Picture, Musical, or Comedy goes to
Colin Farrell (In Bruges).
- Sacha Baron Cohen talks about the financial crisis and how it is hurting the celebrities: Victoria Beckham hasn't eated in three weeks, Charlie Sheen was forced to have sex with women without paying, and Madonna had to get rid of one of her personal assistants (so sorry Guy). The Madonna/Guy joke produced some displeased murmurs.
Motion Picture-Musical or Comedy winner is
Vicky Christina Barcelona.
Kate Winslet (Revolutionary Road) wins
Best Actress in Motion Picture-Drama. Yay. I am very excited for her. She is so freaking flustered and I love her.
Mad Men wins the
Best Television Series-Drama.
Best Actor in Motion Picture-Drama goes to
Mickey Rourke (The Wrestler). This win is greated by many many applause. Rourke thanks a lot of people for helping him get back in the biz. He also thanks his dogs for always being there for him (awww).
Best Motion Picture-Drama (nominees are: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Frost/Nixon, The Reader, Revolutionary Road, and Slumdog Millionaire).
Slumdog Millionaire wins.