I guess this whole entry is kind of a spoiler if you don't want to know the history of Wolverine...and if you are already familiar with him you probably don't care at all. If you don't want to know then just stop reading now.
We meet Logan (Hugh Jackman) as a young boy who is ill and he quickly finds out that he has a half brother, Victor (Liev Schreiber), and that they are both mutants. They grow up together and fight in many wars and eventually become part of this elite mutant fighting team led by Stryker. Logan decides that he's had enough with all the killing and leaves to live his life in Canada (where he came from, btw).
After some other mutant related stuff as well as some fighting and some death, Wolverine tries to seek revenge on Victor (there I left some details out). This is where Stryker convinces Wolverine to get injected with the metal. Logan then learns that Stryker is trying to make a super mutant of sorts by taking powers from mutants. Logan gets involved in fighting this super guy. At the end Stryker shoot Wolverine in the head, while this will not kill him it will make him lose his memory. TA DA. WE NOW KNOW WHY WOLVERINE DOESN'T KNOW WHO HE IS!!!
Highlight of the movie: Ryan Reynolds as Wade. He was hot and funny.
Lowlight of the movie: WillIAm has some weak acting skills. It looked like he was reading and was really stiff when in the background.
I also really enjoyed meeting Cyclops and Xavier. I did not enjoy the rat that spent about a minute on Schreiber's arm. Overall there was good action and some cool mutants. It was probably a better movie than the last two X-Men.
X-Men Origins: Wolverine gets three kernels - it answered questions, was well acted for the most part, and was just plain entertaining.
ReplyDeleteHighlight of the movie: Tim Riggins as Gambit. RAWR.
I completely forgot to mention Tim Riggins. My apologies to all those Tim fans. Also to the Gambit fans I suppose.