The story is about an elderly man, Carl, who shared a dream, with his now deceased wife, to fly their house to a far away land that an explorer (Charles Muntz) claimed to have been to when they were children. Carl finally decides to go for it and begins to fly his house. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, a boy named Russell comes on the journey with him.
The two actually reach their destination and come across some unusual things. The first being this strange large bird (the reason Muntz returned so he could bring it back and prove himself to be not crazy) that Russell names Frank. The second are dogs that can speak thanks to a collar they wear (one that Muntz invented). One of these dogs, Dug, helps Carl and Russell. As for plot I will leave it at that, cause I am not sure I can explain it any better.
I will say that the dogs were awesome. Very much how I imagine dogs to be thinking and to hear it verbalized is great. Carl and Russell's friendship is also great to watch.
I felt like they could have maybe done more with the 3D, but I guess it is good they weren't relying on it to hold your interest.
UP gets three kernels - really good story; funny and heartfelt.
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