The plot to this movie is essentially this; Connor Mead is a womanizer. He goes home for his brother's wedding and finds the ghost of his uncle, played by Michael Douglas, who taught him to be a womanizer. Uncle Wayne is there to warn Connor that he should change his ways cause if he doesn't he will end up miserable and alone. In order to convince Connor, three ghosts show up. The best ghost was probably the one from the past. She was a complete eighties teenager and funny. I was surprised to find out she was played by Emma Stone (who was Jules in Superbad). I won't bother telling you the end of the plot...I am sure you can pretty much guess what happens.
The hightlight of this movie was definitely Lacey Chabert, who played Sandra the bride. She pretty much played the funniest bridezilla ever. She would completely freak out, like lose her mind kind of freak out, and then calm down to a level of calm that isn't really normal. It amused me greatly. Lacey Chabert usually amuses me greatly though (Mean Girls, anyone?).
The only other I wish to mention is how even though I completely failed and figuring out who the bridesmaids were, I feel the need to share the knowledge I googled. One bridesmaid is from Grey's Anatomy (the episode with the two Amish girls in which Silver from 90210 plays the one with cancer and this girl plays the one without). The other bridesmaid is Amanda Walsh, you know, the MUCH MUSIC VJ (I believe the youngest they've ever had). I remember thinking how adorable she was. Anyway, that is all. Though there is one other bridesmaid I remember nothing about her.
Ghosts of Girlfriends Past gets two kernels - worth the price of a second run movie as it is entertaining, but oh so very predictable.
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