Confessions of a Shopaholic is based on the book of the same name written by Sophie Kinsella (it actually combines book one and two of the series). Essentially it is the story of Rebecca Bloomwood (Isla Fisher), a woman who enjoys shopping more than anything else in the world. She is endearing and incredibly delusional (the mannequins talk to her and help her justify her unjustifiable purchases).
Rebecca's dream is to work at a fashion magazine, but sadly the job is out of her grasp. Instead, she manages to get hired at a finance magazine that is owned by the same company, because once you are in the family you are in. I am completely blanking on any of the specific line, but a rather hilarious receptionist gives Rebecca this career advice. Anyway, she gets hired at this magazine where there is a really cute editor, Luke Brandon (Hugh Dancy). Without knowing it, Rebecca is exactly what Luke has been looking a writer. She is able to relay financial advice in a way that people can actually understand (by comparing it to shopping). Her first article, written under the pseudonym The Girl In The Green Scarf, is so popular that it makes her a sort of star.
This is where the spoilers come in (written in white, drag cursor over to read):
Pretty much Rebecca and Luke fall in love and everything is going wonderfully until Rebecca's debt collector finally catches up with her...on television. Rebecca has been lying about everything and Luke was crushed. Rebecca then gets offered the job she initially wanted at the fashion magazine. However, at this point she has had a break through and has realized that she truly is a shopaholic and that fashion magazines were part of her problem. She turns down the job and gets all of her shopaholic support group friend, and her nutty parents (played by John Goodman and Joan Cusack), to help her sell all of her clothes...including the iconic green scarf. Through the sale, Rebecca is able to pay off her debt, apologize to her friend Suze (Krysten Ritter), and show Luke that she is more than lies and shopping. And of course Luke was the one that bought the green scarf, so Rebecca didn't have to part with it in the end. To wrap up, Luke started his own business (on the earlier advice of Rebecca) and she works for him as a columnist.
I am a big fan of the books, however, I haven't read them in a few years and forgot nearly all of the details. I can't really speak as to how closely the movie follows the book (except for the fact that the main story in the books is set in England). Whether you know the books or not, Confesions of a Shopaholic is a very entertaining movie. Isla Fisher is so wonderful and very Rebecca Bloomwood-esque. I hope they do a sequel that covers the second two books.
Confessions of a Shopaholic gets two kernels - a really enjoyable and fun movie.
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