Essentially, there are certain people in the world who have extra abilities. The three main abilities featured in the movie are: pushers (people who have mind control and can make you believe anything), movers (people with telekinesis), and watchers (people with precognitive abilities, they can read people's intentions). There is a group called Division that are experimenting on these people to try and enhance their powers.
The story revolves around Nick (Joel Gretsch), a mover, who is approached by Cassie (Dakota Fanning), a watcher, for help to find a case. Carver (Djimon Hounsou), a pusher, from Division is also watching Nick to find the case. Kira (Camilla Belle), a pusher, has been injected by Division to maker her powers stronger and she is the only one to have survived. She ran away and now Division is looking for her. At the end everything is straightened out, except for the fact that there is a whole lot of excessive plot and complications. It is quite packed with action and has a kind of cool concept. That is about it though.
Djimon should stick with being the moral centre of movies rather than the bad guy...he is much better at being the good guy.
It was nice to see Dakota Fanning all grown up.
Push gets one kernel - cool concept, but not delivered well. Worth a watch when it is on tv.
Push is a thriller movie. I like these type of movies very much....This movie is amazing and fantastic...I Watch Push Movie with my friends.....