I have very little to say about this movie. Basically there were a lot of boobs and some comic relief. Oh, and a lot of death. It was ultra-predictable (the brother and sister always survive in horror movies!) and the moments that I am guessing were intended to be scary came off laughable.
At one point earlier in the movie we see a guy operating a wood chipper...which clearly meant that someone was going to die via wood chipper later on. The best thing I can say about this movie is that they did not disappoint me in this.
I am about to spoil the end...but is it really a spoiler when everyone sees it coming? The most frustrating part of the movie is when the brother and sister finally escape Jason by jamming him in the wood chipper they then decide to unjam him and throw him in the lake. Brilliant move guys, brilliant move.
If you've actually read this blog before you may have noticed that I did not link any of the actor's names to their imdb pages. I'd like to think of this as me doing them a favour so as to not further connect their names with this movie.
Friday the 13th gets one kernel - I only paid $4 and it was mildly entertaining as a sort of slasher/comedy.
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