First up is the movie Twilight, based on the book of the same name written by Stephenie Meyer. Luckily I took notes about this movie or I would remember almost nothing. Basically the movie isn't that good (if you look at it as solely a movie with no book attachment) and I am glad I read the book first, because the movie does not leave you with the impression that the book is that great. When looking at the movie as an adaptation of the novel I would say that it did a good job of getting the story across without cutting out important information or making seemingly random changes (looking at you Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 1&2).
I thought the acting was pretty stilted and some of the speeches were almost painful to watch (particularly the one at the end in the hospital room). I also thought the running scenes were rather poor. Edward (Robert Pattinson), Carlisle, Jacob's Dad, and Chief Swan were all not as I had imagined. I know Edward is this gorgeous guy, but I thought he would be gorgeous in a less obvious way (if that makes any sense at all). Carlisle kind of gave me the creeps and yet he is supposed to be this really friendly genuine guy that everyone loves. Jacob's Dad I had pictured much older...I kind of remembered him more as a grandpa for some reason. I also thought Chief Swan would be older and maybe a little tubby and a little more lost without his daughter. All that being said, I thought that Bella (Kristen Stewart) was really good. Though fairly minor characters, Jessica and Eric were perfect!
Before I give my kernel rating I must admit that I am a fan of Buffy the Vampire slayer and at times I found it hard to grasp this new definition and the new rules of vampires. I got over the whole glittering in the sun is a fairly creative reason that vamps aren't out in sunshine, but there were a few inconsistencies that I felt brought the whole thing down a little.
Oh, looking at my notes there were a few other things I wanted to quick points!
- The baseball game was cool to see because it is an interesting concept that, for me, was hard to visualize from just reading.
- The movie had some good music moments; opening song Full Moon and Collective Soul's Tremble for My Beloved.
- The moment where Edward read mind's in the restaurant was truly great.
- I can't believe they felt the need to recreate the cover of the book in the movie (hands holding apple). I just about died of a corn overload.
- I haven't read past the first book, but Jacob is totally a werewolf, right?
Twilight gets two kernels - it stays pretty true to the book, even if it does so in a very stilted poorly acted (or possibly directed) movie. Also, I know some major Twilight fans (of the books) that really like the movie so I might get in trouble if I just give it the one kernel.
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